Saturday, May 4, 2013

The Write Place at the Write Time

Here's a copy of a personal narrative that appeared at Tiny Lights on May 5, 2013.  My response was to the prompt "Where Do You Like to Write?"

The Write Place at the Write Time by Sara Etgen-Baker 

My writing area—located in a tiny nook in the loft at the top of the stairs of my two-story condo—is quiet, bright and sunny, and the light filters over my desk—a small, antique lady's writing desk that my mother-in-law graciously handed down to me.

The desk is a warm, dark-chocolate brown with fold-down writing surface that—when opened—unveils a fitted interior with a secret drawer and four cubbyholes. Inside the secret drawer I keep some of my most important writing supplies—stamps, 3x5 index cards, flash drive, and sticky notes. The cubbyholes house my crystal tape dispenser, crystal letter-opener, my reading glasses, a few mailing envelopes, my thesaurus, and a dictionary.

Once opened, the fold-down writing surface is the perfect size for my laptop; beneath this surface are three drawers with antique pull knobs that are disc-shaped with a flower petal design. Although these drawers aren't large or deep, they are sufficient enough to house my journals, folders with my notes on my current writing projects, a notebook of this year's submissions, and a notebook of published manuscripts.

Even though the top of the desk is too small to have a printer sitting on it, it is big enough for a few of my favorite knickknacks—my crystal pen holder, miniature crystal lamp, one of my mother's hand-crocheted doilies, my father's antique reading glasses, and a small-framed picture of my husband and me.

Writing at this small desk helps me, for it forces me to keep my writing life uncomplicated and uncluttered. Sitting at this unpretentious desk inspires me, for it reminds me of the beautiful simplicity of the writing life where all I need is a quiet area with sufficient lighting, a desk of some sort, a chair, a writing tool, and an idea.

So where do I like to write? At my desk at home—which is always the write place at the write time.

Sara Baker is a retired educator who now enjoys her writing life. In addition to writing essays, memoirs, and personal narratives, she has begun writing her first novel. When not writing, she enjoys spending time with her soul mate, Bill, with whom she has been married for 29 years.

(Here's the link:

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