Thursday, March 5, 2015


Although familiar with the word serendipity, I’d not thought much about its origin or meaning.  Nor had I ever thought about the role serendipity has played in shaping either my life or the course of history. 
Quick research revealed that Horace Walpole coined the word serendipity in a 1754 letter to his friend, Horace Mann.  Evidently Walpole was impressed with a fairy tale--“The Three Princes of Serendip” (now Sri Lanka) who were always making discoveries by accident and sagacity of things that they were not pursuing.  

          Over the years, serendipity’s meaning shifted from “accidents and sagacity” to “looking for one thing and finding another.”  Even many historical and significant events can be attributed to such accidental and unexpected discoveries: 
·        Columbus was looking for a new way to India and found the Americas instead.     
·        Before leaving for vacation, Alexander Fleming didn’t disinfect bacteria cultures; upon his return, he found the cultures contaminated with penicillium molds that actually killed the bacteria.
·        The Kelloggs brothers left cooked wheat unattended for a day.  When they tried to roll the mass into a sheet, they inadvertently obtained a flaky material instead.  This discovery led them to create the beloved breakfast cereal—Cornflakes. 
When I pause, I can certainly recount serendipitious moments in my own life.  For instance, I’ve experienced sweet scenarios reminiscent of those in the film Serendipity (that delicious summer when my husband and I met while taking square dance lessons).  As well as such serendipity-based coincidences, I’ve witnessed “negative coincidences” (The subway train door shuts in my face just as I’m about to step on.); “neutral coincidences” (bumping into my cousin at the local supermarket); and “real serendipity” (that summer evening I dropped in on my brother-in-law who told me about a job vacancy at his school—leading to an important move and career change.)
          In fact, when I reflect upon my life, I can connect the dots to the almost magical unfolding of people, places, and events leading me to ponder:  Exactly what is serendipity?  Perhaps, just perhaps, it’s just a higher power bringing important events together.